Sunday, April 25, 2010

Whatcha Say?

I know thats an awful title for a blog but it makes sense to me. One of the few things that does.

I haven't written in about a month. A lot has hapened for sure! Cassi and Cecil got engaged for real about a week ago. Riley moved up here from Arizona to be with Rachel. I'm so happy for both of the couples. I'm really happy that our group gets along with both Cecil and Riley.

Rachel and Dianna are moving to Provo, I'm pretty sad about that but it gives me an excuse to be down there more often. Also Maria Baron is down there.

I'm trying to convince her to come visit me this weekend. So then I can show her all kinds of places here in SLC. Cassi is staying here in Utah for the summer. Jessie is moving in our place for about a month. So that should be interesting, I hope that nothing goes wrong seeing as Jessie has been really cross with us lately and stepping on toes for sure.

I'm currently at Rachel and Dianna's we are watching Pride and Prejudice....I remember 2 years ago seeing this movie for the first time and Maria Baron trying to liken the movie to our ward and Rob...I still believe that about the ward...not about Rob so much, we never fought. Funny how things go.