Saturday, May 15, 2010


I'm not sure what i'm doing up at 3 in the morning, but here I am.

I'm so tired butmy brain won't stop. I've had a sick feeling the past 2 days. Currently enjoying some Damien Rice.

Time for complete honesty? Sure

I don't know if i've mentioned this but I've been spending a lot of time studying the scriptures, and praying for some guidence. I've received some answers and it's time for some changes in my life, changes that are needed to make my goals become reality. Even though it's going to be tough it's going to be wonderful...

I'm hoping to make another Provo trip soon! I really need it! Plus I love it down there.

Good things are going to start happening.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Don't Cry Out

So, Since i last wrote i've spent some time down in Provo. It was a bunch of fun! Hopefully i'll be there next weekend too.

When i got back from Provo i heaeded up to Bountiful for a family dinner, and it was so great! The next day was Trevors Homecoming so we went to his ward and over to their house and that was a lot of fun too.

On the down side, I got a $300 today i'm getting a bus pass.