Thursday, May 31, 2012

Almost Everything

It's been almost a year since the last time I wrote. So what happened in the past year?

I dated Ryan, and it was really great. Then we broke up , that sucked. We met Madi, Dianna and Zach got married, Chelsea and Reed got married and then Madi and Jared got married. I worked for a company named RCI and loved it. I got sick and was in the hospital 3 times for MRSA. I got really depressed...more so than anytime in my life. I contemplated suicide. I tried to hide everything from my friends but I would randomly have break-downs and panic attacks. Then i started running into Ryan in a lot of random places. Once his entire family was there. For a long time I was unhealthy in a lot of ways. Nothing seemed to make things better.

One day Dianna drove me to the temple. I cried because I felt like I had lost my testimony, I felt like I had lost everything. NOT because of the break-up but because my character had been compromised and questioned from everyone I had known at times even from my best friends.  Looking at the temple and feeling nothing, praying and feeling nothing was about the darkest place I could ever be.

I decided I needed a change so I bought Bryanna to Provo and we me some new friends Blake and Ben. Meeting them changed things because they were people who were truly good. You could see it. And I wanted to be like them.  I felt like I had to change everything in my life. So I did. I moved up to Farmington and I live with my aunt Amy. I don't talk to anyone who brings me down. I also don't talk to anyone that reminds me of last summer. It sucks having to cut people out but honestly I'm so happy here.

I met some new friends. Saxxon, Robb, Caitlin, McKell, Kara, Matt. My ward here is amazing, they don't really know me. I mean Caitlin does, McKell and Robb kinda do which is fine. I like being able to lay low and have a simple life. We do lots of fun things here. Pool parties, fires, movies. Things I did with my old friends. I spend a lot of time with Bryanna which I love. Moving to "farm town" has been the best decision I've made in a long time and I think the reason why is that I felt the Spirit when praying about moving here. I'm happy here.